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East Tennessee Walking Horse Association




UPDATE:  Go to www.etwhaladiesauxiliary.com  for Ladies Auxiliary information

Or go to the "Links Page" within this site. 

Currently there is no media on this page



Thank you to everyone that supported the youth league. Whether you purchased lemonade or ticket(s) for the ribbon rack drawing.

Congratulations to winner - Sarah Burks.

We appreciate your support of the youth and their endeavors.

Vision Statement

The ETWHA Youth League advocates the support and exhibition of the Tennessee Walking Horse.  We strive for sportsmanship in and out of the ring while giving encouragement to fellow competitors. A dedicated youth group showing examples of community leadership by giving back to those in need, inspiring and setting examples for others to be good stewards.

The youth league is open to all youth members of ETWHA, who as of Jan. 1, are between the ages 6 - 17.

For more information go to www.etwhaladiesauxiliary.com